YO62 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO62 4 is a postcode sector in North Yorkshire, UK. Below is a complete list of YO62 4 Postcodes (Active). YO62 4 postcode sector comprises of 131 active postcodes. YO62 4 sector has a population of 3065, and it has 1063 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO62 4 postcode sector

YO62 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3065
Addresses / Property Count 1063
Active Postcodes 131
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of YO62 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 131 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO62 4AA 54.16468600 -0.93317300 25 47 469752 474846
YO62 4AB 54.16548400 -0.93275800 20 32 469778 474935
YO62 4AD 54.16575100 -0.93348600 6 17 469730 474964
YO62 4AE 54.16364800 -0.93455100 23 47 469664 474729
YO62 4AF 54.16205300 -0.93404100 7 16 469700 474552
YO62 4AG 54.16300700 -0.93217800 24 70 469820 474660
YO62 4AH 54.16580700 -0.93187300 8 15 469835 474972
YO62 4AJ 54.16536100 -0.93225200 2 5 469811 474922
YO62 4AL 54.16781500 -0.93231200 20 47 469803 475195
YO62 4AN 54.16819000 -0.93178500 25 53 469837 475237
YO62 4AP 54.16481800 -0.92968100 8 18 469980 474864
YO62 4AQ 54.16462400 -0.93104900 11 21 469891 474841
YO62 4AR 54.16410000 -0.92976100 32 51 469976 474784
YO62 4AS 54.16609100 -0.96417300 1 3 467726 474972
YO62 4AT 54.16691300 -0.94811500 19 56 468773 475079
YO62 4AU 54.16687500 -0.91441800 6 17 470973 475108
YO62 4AW 54.16926300 -0.93632200 11 19 469539 475352
YO62 4AX 54.18055300 -0.90844800 2 7 471339 476636
YO62 4AY 54.17634500 -0.93745400 1 2 469453 476139
YO62 4AZ 54.16561500 -0.93137600 4 9 469868 474951
YO62 4BA 54.18972500 -0.94097700 4 10 469201 477624
YO62 4BB 54.18837900 -0.92801500 4 8 470049 477487
YO62 4BD 54.18699800 -0.93137600 4 8 469832 477330
YO62 4BE 54.18526900 -0.91097900 N/A N/A 471166 477158
YO62 4BF 54.16461900 -0.93149400 1 2 469862 474840
YO62 4BG 54.16328000 -0.93257000 45 96 469794 474690
YO62 4BH 54.21111400 -1.10766900 N/A N/A 458294 479854
YO62 4BJ 54.15433200 -1.00360200 N/A N/A 465170 473627
YO62 4BN 54.16283700 -0.93449200 N/A N/A 469669 474639
YO62 4BP 54.16573700 -0.93110900 N/A N/A 469885 474965
YO62 4BQ 54.16418800 -0.93257700 9 18 469792 474791
YO62 4BR 54.20055900 -1.10476900 N/A N/A 458498 478682
YO62 4BS 54.15770400 -1.04828300 N/A N/A 462247 473962
YO62 4BY 54.19717100 -1.10926100 19 46 458210 478301
YO62 4DA 54.20134700 -1.10315800 31 65 458602 478771
YO62 4DB 54.20171600 -1.10410400 18 43 458540 478811
YO62 4DD 54.20149900 -1.10272900 4 4 458630 478788
YO62 4DE 54.20014200 -1.10188100 10 29 458687 478638
YO62 4DF 54.19978600 -1.10557200 16 36 458447 478595
YO62 4DG 54.19861900 -1.10700700 30 53 458355 478464
YO62 4DH 54.19657900 -1.10695900 16 46 458361 478237
YO62 4DJ 54.19632800 -1.10584600 8 27 458434 478210
YO62 4DL 54.18221200 -1.12274000 8 18 457351 476626
YO62 4DN 54.18703700 -1.13196000 1 4 456743 477155
YO62 4DP 54.19113800 -1.08975800 1 2 459491 477646
YO62 4DQ 54.19723500 -1.10700600 19 56 458357 478310
YO62 4DR 54.19641000 -1.10970600 18 34 458182 478216
YO62 4DS 54.19777500 -1.10757300 17 25 458319 478370
YO62 4DT 54.20074600 -1.10653200 1 2 458383 478701
YO62 4DU 54.20075300 -1.11042100 28 51 458129 478699
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